Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Am Out of Time Once Again !

This video project we have going on is supposed to be a sort of “test” to see how well we can manage our time and get it done by our due date. Right now I would say that I am totally failing the test. Unfortunately I have only interview a total of four people and no staff yet.  I’ve also run into a little problem because I have no idea how to use iMovie or any other video making programs and I am basically working every day until Monday so I can’t seem to schedule in enough time to get the movie making part of it in process.
Now this is basically what my week has been like, Monday I got the reminder that this project was due next week and I picked a topic, wrote out the outline of how I wanted the video structure, as well as came up with about ten questions about my topic. On Tuesday I conducted the four interviews I have done, and then went to work, and today I did nothing to advance my project.  So today I fell back into my usual habit of procrastination.
So I guess you’re all asking yourselves what I am going to do about this. Well, I have developed a very strict schedule for myself seeing as I have no time. Tomorrow without fail I have to conduct the last interviews I need and since I work at three that’s probably as much as I am going to be able to do. Friday I’ve scheduled library time to start putting the video together but again I have work from 1 to 8 so my time is limited. Saturday I work from 9 to 4 so I’ve scheduled library time from 5 until whenever I finish, and it MUST be done by Saturday.
So I guess I failed at managing my time better, but old habits die hard and I just have to keep at it until it becomes a habit to obey my schedule. Nothing great is ever achieved in a day so I just have to give myself time to change my habits and then I’ll truly be able to produce greatness.

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