Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What an A+ looks Like

Looking through the many blogs of my fellow INQ classmates, there is no doubt that a lot of effort, time and creativity is put into every single post. It is hard to pin point which one is the best or most deserving of an A+ but someone that I believe has done a very good job is Amber Serrano.

Her blogs are really well set up and it just shows that she puts in a lot of effort into every one of them. She also really takes what we learned in class and relates it to her blogs. In her most recent post about how to get the A in college she really synthesized her opinion with what we get out of class to create a really informational post. The best part of her blog is how personal she actually gets to make her post. One of my favorite posts from her was the one about her hardest difficulty in life. She talked about her uncle’s death and though this is something that I probably wouldn’t have been able to write about she was, and I think that that is pretty awesome and it lets you connect to her and her blog a lot more. I also think that she always lives up to the expectations of our blogging assignment, all the elements that are required are there, and I feel that she goes beyond just what is required, in length and in creating her own unique voice for the blog.  Besides her actual Blog her work habits are also good, she posts her blogs before the due dates or on time, so I think that the also earns her an A for her blog.

I chose Amber’s blog as the blog that was most deserving of an A, but don’t be discouraged every blog that I read was equally as good, I just felt that I was pulled into her blog a little more. If we put in that extra time and effort I know that we can all achieve an A on our blogging assignments, so good luck with all your future posts.

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