Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reflection: Video #2

This video project, I thought was a lot easier and more enjoyable than the previous. Having already experimented with the iMovie process of actually putting the video together and having an idea of how to navigate through the maze that is iMovie, the process of putting it together was easy and for me it went quite smoothly. I liked this video project better mainly because I did not have to get interviews. Last time this was one of my biggest problems because the audio from the recordings I took would not play and it was complicated to make the video run smoothly, so that it would look like it flowed. For this assignment we were able to be more creative. We picked our own topics and really didn't have many criteria that we had to meet. This video I think I did a lot better than my other one, mainly because I already had practice with the iMovie program, and secondly because I planned better. I left myself enough time so that if a problem would arise I had enough time to fix it, I spaced the work out, and I didn't procrastinate. As far as how good I feel about the final product, I would say that I am pleased, I mean there is always room for improvement and more that one could have done, but I’m pretty content with it. I think that one of my video’s strength is in the pictures and the set up of it. I feel like I did a good job distinguishing the intro, the middle (informational part), and the conclusion. I feel like my video lacked in the audio department. I did my video in the Mac Lab at school and I wasn't quite sure of how to get my music to the computer to be able to use it. So that is something I should look into for the next project.  Even though this time around I had a much more pleasant encounter with the video assignment, I still wish we didn't have to them. 

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